Tuesday, 15 April 2008

ViaPal hGH E - ViaGrowth IV, MoodMax, PinealTonin

Including ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax, and PinealTonin, 30-60 day supply for sexual dysfunction patients with heart/high-blood-pressure conditions for men and women; restores the erectile, nervous and orgasmic functions destroyed by aging, over-masturbation (penile, clitoral & G-spot damages), sexual exhaustion and street/medication drugs (birth control pills/shot/implants); releases male and female menopause/PMS symptoms, low-back/groin pains/cramps, and depression/stress/anxiety; improves the retinal/pineal function (for eye floaters ) and sex-induced headaches and sleeping disorder. This formula is for the initial treatment of severe sexual exhaustion condition.

View ViaPal hGH E - ViaGrowth IV, MoodMax, PinealTonin details


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